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This site is perfect for improving our listening skills through dialogues, descriptions and dictations.


Kevin Colina (2016) wants to help us to improve our listening skills.


Please, listen to some conditional sentences:





Listen to the following audios, and identify the correct option (occupation)

a) actor

b) chef

c) teacher

d) doctor

a) player

b) archeologist

c) doctor

d) nurse

a) cook

b) chef

c)  carpenter

d)  housewife

a) artist

b) designer

c) actor

d) singer

a) butcher

b) plumber

c) baker

d) dentst

a) farmer

b) electrician

c) gardener

d) driver

Listen to the following dialogue.





Tool used: Vocaroo

How to use this tool: 





By Román Navarrete


Listen to the recording and identify what is said about Laura Gutiérrez:



Windows Live. Recuperado el 03 de 10 de 2015, de Vocaroo:
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