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A Chicago-area animal rescue group  rescued  10 dogs from a meat market. The dogs were about to be  executed  when they came in to the place to  saved  them. Unfortunately the people that were going to execute the dogs, ran away and they haven’t been found.


On November 28th, 2013 an animal rescue group from Chicago made an expected trip to Korea, they  wanted  to help to eradicate the consumption of dog meat; Carol, a girl from the group said that she was visiting a popular meat market in Korea when she found a butcher store that  looked  really quirky, Carol said that she never thought that in the meat market they were selling dog meat, but she would notice she was wrong when Carol heard dogs barking; immediately Carol  called  her friends from the animal rescue group and they came in to the place and  liberated  the dogs that were inside of small cages.


They sued the company that sold dog meat and the authorities are working to find the person who did all these horrible things to the dogs that are just a few survivors of millions of dogs and cats that have  suffered  a lot and finally are  executed  to be eaten for senseless people. After hearing about the dog’s story, Abbie Adams and her husband Brandon Adams, decided to adopt three dogs, “We’re very happy for adopting these dogs, we really want to look after them and give them the love and care that they deserve because they have been through a lot”.


Listen to the story



Reading helps us improve our English level, as you learn to identify some rules, verb tenses, sentence structures, and the like.

Here are some sentences and stories written by some partners.


SABER and SABER 11 tests, assessed by MEN (Ministry of Education), is a strategy for identifying how high or low learning processes are, in public and private schools in Colombia.

For this reason, the following presentation explains to you the different type of questions, as well as the correct answers and some clues for choosing fastly and effectively the best options.


Good luck!

By Tomás Mendoza (2015)


My vacation  will  be in December. The weather  will  be really hot. I  will  visit Cartagena. There I  will  share with my family and some friends, we are  going to  stay in a hotel in a place called Bocagrande, we are  going to  visit the wall and some famous places of the city, like Cerro de la Popa, the highest point of the city. We are also  going to  Rosario Islands where the sea is really beautiful and clear, and we would so some aquatic sports; we might also go to the aquarium and to the mud volcano, called El Totumo. We are  going to  try on some sea food and walk around the city. We are  going to  wear light clothes, like shorts, shirts and sandals because we have heard it’s really hot, even during night time.

We use this conditional when the result of the condition is always true.


By Jose Fernando Gómez (2015)


1. Mr. President Santos, if the violence doesn’t stop, restart the peace talks and demand new agreements.

2. Mr. Alvaro Uribe, if people don’t like your participation in politics, refrain yourself from participating on them.

3. Mr. President Obama, if other countries have internal conflicts, stop intervening on them.

4. Mr. President Maduro, if people disagree with your actions, try to make decisions via Referendum; democracy is a very efficient tool, used for the sake of our world.

5. Mrs. Cristina Fernandez, if no one likes your behavior in politics, please try to change it, or resign to your charge.

PAST TENSE: simple and progressive

By Daniela Benítez Rodríguez (2016)


By Tomas Villamil (2015)


1. Sr. President Santos, if the violence doesn’t stop, restart the peace talks and demand new agreements.

2. Sr. President Obama, if drug trafficking doesn’t stop, look for new and more effective methods to stop it.

3. Sr. President Maduro, if you don’´t open the border with Colombia, at least stop expelling Colombians from Venezuela.

4. Sr. President Santos, if “las Farc” doesn’t agree with peace, then clamp down. 

We use this tense to describe our plans.



» When we want to talk about future events that we believe to be true. » When we are not so certain about the future.

» When I just made a decision.  



» When I make a prediction based on evidence in the present.

» After having made a decision, I start talking about it.

FUTURE TENSE (will - going to)

We use this tense to talk about an action that occurred in the past, but has a result in the present (right now).


Let's see how some partners describe their bographies by using the present perfect tense:  


I have been a good student and a good athlete.   

I have studied in two different schools.

I have trained in 6 different tennis academies.

I have trained to be a professional tennis player.

I have lived in Bogota with my family for 16 years.

I have one sister, she has been studying in a school.

I have been in a relationship for 10 months with my boyfriend.

My life has been pleasant  because i have had a great family, excellent coaches and wonderful Friends, they have taught me to enjoy my life.


Laura Alejandra Gutiérrez


We use this tense to talk about an action that occurred in the past, but has a result in the present (right now).


Present perfect biography

My name is Sara, I live in Bogotá Colombia, I have lived here my entire life.

I’ve had a really good and blessed life because I have always had everything I need.

I have done my primary education in 4 different schools, that’s why I have met so many people. But now I study online, I have been studying that way for about 4 years and for me it has been way more difficult than a normal school because I don’t have the same time since it’s so much work to do.

I have studied for 3 years at an academy specialized in British English, I really loved that place as my own home. I have met my boyfriend there and we’ve been together for 3 years so far.

I have traveled to USA for my 15th birthday, alone, and it has been such a really good experience to communicate and practice more my English.

I also have swum since I was little and I love it, it’s my favorite sport. 

Now I’ve been studying hard so I can graduate at time and find what I want to do for the rest of my life.

Sara Restrepo


PRESENT PERFECT TENSE (biographies): simple and progressive


We use this modal verb to offer advice:


1. I tend to get distracted easily, I should be more responsible

2. I’m way too negative, I should be more positive

3. I get worked up easily, I should be more patient

4. I’m not talkative, I should be more talkative

5. My lack of concentration is really big, someone should check on me, at least when I’m working

6. My room is a mess, I should tidy it up

7. I’m always late, I should start trying to be on time more often

8. Since I don’t actually have friends, I should become more friendly

9. I should stop distracting myself with internet trash

10.I should learn how to cook

By Luisa María Gallego Arcos

Life has changed!


This Is the story of Howard, a man who didn’t use to talk; he was very shy, but anybody knew why. He was traumatized, because when he was young, he saw horrible things; he used to play in the park everyday when he was a child, he always went to his friends' houses, they used to play a lot different games with their imagination, when they met, they always had  fun.

Every day when Howard recalls those times he smiles because  he thinks that he had a very good childhood, and he was right,  since he was a child he enjoyed every moment in his life until his adolescence,  because one day while he was walking to his friends' house, he noticed that his friends had changed, he noticed that they weren’t playing whit anybody, they had bought a new device, it was like a box, but made of plastic, it was like a tv but much bigger. When he arrived to one of his friends' house, his friend said him that he didn't want to play anymore, he said that playing on the computer was more enjoyable. It was the same when he visited all his other friends, all of them were using the computer. He saw how their friends changed him for staying with the computer everyday. Finally he got traumatized with that, he bought a computer too but it wasn’t enjoyable, now he doesn’t talk with anybody because all the people are always looking at their phones; he feels alone every day, when he is talking with someone, the person takes his phone and he ends up talking alone.


Luisa María Gallego


Franz David Rincón 


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